Monday, July 18, 2016

SQL Server Architecture

Today we will discuss about Microsoft SQL Server architecture. Basically there are 3 components in SQL Server.
  •  Relational Engine (Query Processor)
  •  Storage Engine
  •  SQL Operating System (SQL OS)

Now we will discuss one by one.

Relational Engine (Query Processor)
When we run a query in window, it manages the execution of query. It mean, first check the syntax of query then request the query output data from Storage Engine and next return the result to query output.

Storage Engine
It manage storage and retrieval of the data on to the storage system (Computer Hard Disk) when we create database, schemas, tables, queries, views and other objects in SQL server.

SQL Operating System (SQL OS)

It is software program that is in host machine (Windows OS) and SQL Server. It controls entire SQL Server behavior and activities. It is a configurable operating system and provide Graphical user Interface (SSMS,BIDS,SSRS.SSIS tool).

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